How to Sell a Property With Tenants

The real estate market is booming all across the country and this has led some rental owners to consider selling now that the equity has greatly increased on their rental property. But, how do you sell a home if it is currently being rented?  

There are two options when it comes to selling an occupied rental property and each one comes with a lot of advanced planning as well as its own set of pros and cons. Lets take a look at each option for selling a tenant occupied property.  

Wait for the tenant’s lease to expire




Sell the Home While Occupied by Your Tenants 



 Related: Have an inherited property? How to know if it’s time to sell

Review Your Lease Agreement to Help You Determine Which Option 

To help you determine what your next step should be in selling your tenant occupied property you should look over the current lease agreement. An experienced property manager or real estate agent is a great help to determine local legal requirements as well as offer some tips on the best options. Going over your lease will also help you to determine how you will communicate the news to your tenants that you are selling the property.  

If you need help selling a tenant occupied property in the Savannah area please give me a call. I have extensive knowledge and experience in real estate and property management in Savannah. 

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